Categories (11)

Accounts and Passwords

How to activate and manage your account, including password rules and reset instructions.

Administrative and Business Applications

Support for enterprise services that support administrative and business functions of the college.

Communication and Collaboration

Learn how to use the tools that facilitate communication and connect the college community, such as Office 365.

Desktop and Mobile Computing

Support for desktop and mobile computing devices and software.


General support information that does not fall into any other category.

IT Accessibility

Information about accessibility of IT resources for persons with disabilities.

Network and Wireless Connectivity

How to access the college network.

Security, Policy, and Compliance

Help with information security, information resources policies, and compliance with local, system, state, and federal requirements.

Teaching and Learning

Help for software, classrooms, computer labs, and IT equipment supporting teaching and learning.

Telephone/Voice Services

Voice and fax services.

Web Services

Support for college websites, web forms, and web-based applications.

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