What is the LSCPA Mobile app?
The LSCPA Mobile app is a convenient set of mobile-friendly resources for students, faculty, alumni, future students and visitors of Lamar State College Port Arthur.
Where can I find the LSCPA Mobile app?
The LSCPA Mobile app is FREE to all students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors at LSCPA. The app can be downloaded from Apple's App Store for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, or from Google Play Store for Android devices. On your device, go to the appropriate app store and search for "LSCPA Mobile" to find the app.
What features and resources do I have access to in the LSCPA Mobile app?
The LSCPA Mobile app provides access to Public and Private resources.
Public resources are accessible to everyone include:
- Contact Campus Security
- View Campus Map
- View Campus News
- View Campus Events
- View Faculty/Staff Directory
- View Social Media
Private resources are only accessible to current and future admitted LSCPA Students:
- View Schedule
- Lookup Classes
- Add/Drop Classes
- View Holds
- View Final Grades
- View Account Summary
What device(s) does the LSCPA Mobile app support?
iOS (Apple) mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch) and Android Devices.
How do I log in to the LSCPA Mobile app?
From your device, launch the app by selecting the "LSCPA Mobile" icon. Touch the Menu button in the upper-left corner of the app. Scroll down to “Sign In” and tap. Enter your username and password.
Use the same username and password as your MyLamarPA computer account to login to the LSCPA Mobile app.
What if I forget my username or password?
If you forgot your username, from within the app select “What’s my Username” from the menu and follow the instructions.
If you forgot your password, from within the app select “Change/Reset Password” from the menu. In order to use this option you must have a Personal E-mail Address as well as your LSCPA Username, Year of Birth, and last 4 digits of your SSN.
You may also lookup your username and change your password at MyLSCPA