LSCPA Self-Service Password Reset Instructions


How to use LSCPA Self-Service Password Reset to reset your password. You MUST enroll with SSPR before you try to use it to reset your password.


LSCPA Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) is a Microsoft-delivered service that lets enrolled users reset their own password. You MUST enroll with SSPR before you try to use it to reset your password.

If you need assistance, contact the Help Desk for assistance by E-mail or by phone (409) 984-6150 during normal business hours.

More InformationMicrosoft documentation for password reset and troubleshooting tips

1. Starting the Password Reset Process

There are two ways to start the self-service password reset process:

  1. Open a web browser and go to the Self-Service Password Reset Page
  2. Select the "Can't access your account?" link on a sign in page. (See Figure 1.)
    • Select "Work or school account" on the "Which type of account do you need help with?" page. (See Figure 2.)
Fig. 1: Microsoft sign in
Screen capture of standard Microsoft sign in form
Fig. 2: Selecting work or school account
Screen capture of selecting work or school account

You will receive a phone call, text, or email message while doing setup to verify that method of communication is working. You will need access to the email or phone during this process.

2. Selecting Your Account

  1. Enter your MyLamarPA email address. (See Figure 3.)
  2. Enter the text displayed on the CAPTCHA (character puzzle to prove you are human). If you cannot read the characters, there is an option to listen to them.
  3. Select the "Next" button.
  4. If you are not already enrolled in SSPR, you will receive a "We're Sorry" error page. You will need to contact the Help Desk to reset your password.
Fig. 3: Entering user name and CAPTCHA
Screen capture of form for entering email address and CAPTCHA text

3. Choosing a Reset Option and Verifying Your Identity

  1. You will be presented with a list of all the options you set up when you enrolled.
  2. Select the option you want to use.
Fig. 4: Choose method of verification
Screen capture of available choices - email, text, calling, security questions

3.1 Verification by Email

  1. Select the "Email my alternate email" option. (See Figure 5.)
  2. You will receive an email containing a verification code at the alternate email address you set up during enrollment.
  3. If you do not remember which email address this was, review the partially obscured email address reminder displayed during the process. 
  4. You must have access to this email address to complete the password reset process. If you do not have access to it, select another method.
  5. Select the "Email" button and wait for the email. It should arrive quickly.
  6. Get the verification code from the email and type it into the verification input box. (See Figure 6.)
  7. Select the "Next" button.
  8. Skip to the Entering a New Password section of this guide.
Fig. 5: Selecting email contact method
Screen capture of selecting email method, with email button
Fig. 6: Verifying by email
Screen capture of entering verification code

3.2 Verification by Text

  1. Select the "Text my mobile number" option. (See Figure 7.)
  2. Enter the mobile phone number that you set up during enrollment.
  3. Select the "Text" button.
  4. Get the verification code from the text message and type it into the verification input box. (See Figure 8.)
  5. Select the "Next" button.
  6. Skip to the Entering a New Password section of this guide.
Fig. 7: Selecting text contact method
Screen capture of selecting text as method with prompt to enter phone number
Fig. 8: Verifying by text
Screen capture of entering verification code

3.3 Verification by Calling

  1. Select the "Call my mobile phone" option. (See Figure 9.)
  2. Enter the phone number that you set up during enrollment.
  3. Select the "Call" button. (See Figure 10.)
  4. You will receive a call from Microsoft. Answer the call and tap "#" when prompted.
  5. Skip to the Entering a New Password section of this guide.
Fig. 9: Selecting calling contact method
Screen capture of selecting calling as method with prompt to enter phone number
Fig. 10: Verifying by calling
Screen capture of entering verification code

3.3.1 Faculty and Staff Only

  1. If your office phone is configured, you may select "Call my office phone" instead, although mobile phone is preferred.
  2. Enter your office phone number.
  3. Select the "Call" button.
  4. You will receive a call from Microsoft. Answer the call and dial "#" when prompted.
  5. Skip to the Entering a New Password section of this guide.

3.4 Verification by Security Question

  1. Select the "Answer my security questions" option. (See Figure 11.)
  2. Enter the proper answers to 3 randomly selected security questions from the pool of questions you answered during enrollment.
  3. Select the "Next" button. (See Figure 12.)
  4. If you do not correctly answer all 3 questions, you will get an error message and be presented with another set of 3 questions.
  5. Skip to the Entering a New Password section of this guide.
Fig. 11: Selecting security questions method
Screen capture of unanswered security questions
Fig. 12: Submitting answers to security questions
Screen capture of answered security questions

4. Entering a New Password

  1. Enter and confirm your new password. (See Figure 13.) The password must meet the following requirements:
    • Must be at least 8 but no more than 25 characters long.
    • Must contain 3 of the following 4 elements:
      • Uppercase letter (A - Z)
      • Lowercase letter (a - z)
      • A number from 0 - 9
      • A special character (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)
    • See Password Rules for more guidance.
  2. Select the "Finish" button. 
  3. You will be taken to a confirmation page. (See Figure 14.)
  4. You can now sign into MyLamarPA or other resources that require authentication. Depending on how you started this process, there may be a "Click Here" link you can use to go back to the service you were trying to access.
Fig. 13: Entering a new password
Screen capture of new and confirm password form
Fig. 14: Password changed message
Screen capture of password changed successfully screen



Article ID: 3408
Thu 2/17/22 10:57 AM
Fri 12/1/23 12:39 PM

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